Search For disgusting In Quotes 14

If it is surely the means to the highest end we know can any work be humble or disgusting? Will it not rather be elevating as a ladder the means by which we are translated?

Most films seem to be about a man and a women falling in love at some point and once you pass forty-five it's almost disgusting to fall in love.

This little kid pointed at me and said 'You look disgusting!' That was the first time I thought maybe I did. I decided I'd better start eating. I'm just thankful that I made it through with relatively few scars.

Maybe that's the whole teen oeuvre you know covering people in disgusting bodily fluids and whatnot.

I was a teen star. That's disgusting enough.

I'm a hopeless romantic. It's disgusting. It really is. I've seen 'While You Were Sleeping' like twenty times and I still believe in the whole Prince Charming thing.

Swallow a toad in the morning and you will encounter nothing more disgusting the rest of the day.

With all due respect to lawyers it's wonderful that you have this intricate knowledge. You break down words to the nth degree. And sometimes I find it rather disgusting. And it goes on and on.

Humor has become so cliche and boring that nothing's funny anymore unless it involves something totally disgusting that offends somebody or makes them feel really uncomfortable.

The fact that the Kardashians could be more popular than a show like 'Mad Men' is disgusting. It's a super disgusting part of our culture but I still find it funny to make a joke about it.