Search For disgrace In Quotes 22

As much as I value an union of all the states I would not admit the southern states into the union unless they agreed to the discontinuance of this disgraceful trade because it would bring weakness and not strength to the union.

At a time when 2500 American soldiers have given their lives for the cause of bringing democracy to Iraq it is sad and frustrating to watch the Republican establishment disgrace the exercise of democracy in our own House of Representatives.

A child is owed the greatest respect if you have ever have something disgraceful in mind don't ignore your son's tender years.

The coming of honor or disgrace must be a reflection of one's inner power.

Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many rewards if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book.

Peace is the happy natural state of man war is corruption and disgrace.

And so at the age of thirty I had successively disgraced myself with three fine institutions each of which had made me free of its full and rich resources had trained me with skill and patience and had shown me nothing but forbearance and charity when I failed in trust.

Labor disgraces no man unfortunately you occasionally find men who disgrace labor.

However saying that I totally support the concept of civil partnerships in the eyes of the law and think it a disgrace that same sex couples have had to wait so long for legal rights protection and recognition.

New York State is upside down and backwards high taxes and low performance. The New York State government was at one time a national model. Now unfortunately it's a national disgrace. Sometimes the corruption in Albany could even make Boss Tweed blush.

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In hard-core science fiction in which characters are responding to a change in environment caused by nature or the universe or technology what readers want to see is how people cope and so the character are present to cope or fail to cope.