Search For diseases In Quotes 29

There are in truth no specialties in medicine since to know fully many of the most important diseases a man must be familiar with their manifestations in many organs.

My goals over the decade include to develop new drugs to treat intractable diseases by using iPS cell technology and to conduct clinical trials using it on a few patients with Parkinson's diseases diabetes or blood diseases.

No good is ever done to society by the pictorial representation of its diseases.

Poetry and consumption are the most flattering of diseases.

Music exalts each joy allays each grief expels diseases softens every pain subdues the rage of poison and the plague.

They certainly give very strange names to diseases.

Moreover health center services save money and lives by treating diseases before they become chronic conditions require hospital care or require a trip to the emergency room.

The long cold Minnesota winters instilled in me a fascination for exotic far off places I aspired toward a career in tropical diseases and world health problems.

Since the reduction of risk factors is the scientific basis for primary prevention the World Health Organization promotes the development of an integrated strategy for prevention of several diseases rather than focusing on individual ones.

As an integral part of the Department of Agriculture the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service monitors our Nation's agriculture to protect against agricultural pests and diseases.