Search For disadvantage In Quotes 13

I do a lot of work with the Dyslexia Institute because for people with dyslexia who do not have parental support it is a huge disadvantage. I was fortunate because my Mum was a teacher and she taught me to work hard.

The most disadvantageous peace is better than the most just war.

I'd like to think Helen very much understood what it was to be disadvantaged in the medical field. And that that was something that she never let dictate her choices.

We always deceive ourselves twice about the people we love - first to their advantage then to their disadvantage.

This administration and the leadership in Congress appear to be intent on valuing wealth over work thereby placing working families at a distinct disadvantage.

Originally created to serve the poorest and sickest among us the Medicaid program has grown dramatically but still doesn't include the kind of flexibility that states need to provide better health care for the poor and disadvantaged.

The future battle on the ground will be preceded by battle in the air. This will determine which of the contestants has to suffer operational and tactical disadvantages and be forced throughout the battle into adoption compromise solutions.

Do you know it's funny but I never thought of being blind as a disadvantage and I never thought of being black as a disadvantage.

Think about what people are doing on Facebook today. They're keeping up with their friends and family but they're also building an image and identity for themselves which in a sense is their brand. They're connecting with the audience that they want to connect to. It's almost a disadvantage if you're not on it now.

By concentrating on what is good in people by appealing to their idealism and their sense of justice and by asking them to put their faith in the future socialists put themselves at a severe disadvantage.