Search For difficulties In Quotes 34

Never trust the advice of a man in difficulties.

When you encounter difficulties and contradictions do not try to break them but bend them with gentleness and time.

Reasoned arguments and suggestions which make allowance for the full difficulties of the state of war that exists may help and will always be listened to with respect and sympathy.

Life affords no higher pleasure than that of surmounting difficulties passing from one step of success to another forming new wishes and seeing them gratified.

The battle of life is in most cases fought uphill and to win it without a struggle were perhaps to win it without honor. If there were no difficulties there would be no success if there were nothing to struggle for there would be nothing to be achieved.

Man needs his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy success.

When we long for life without difficulties remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure.

Even modern English people are imperious superior ridden by class. All of the hypocrisy and the difficulties that are endemic in being British also make it an incredibly fertile place culturally. A brilliant place to live. Sad but true.

As a kid I quite fancied the romantic Bohemian idea of being an artist. I expect I thought I could escape from the difficulties of maths and spelling. Maybe I thought I would avoid the judgement of the establishment.

Conversion is not my intention. Changing religion is not easy. You may develop some kind of confusion or difficulties.