Search For desperation In Quotes 14

The people at the record company had asked me if I could write a song about my life my relationship with God and where I'm from. Well I can't write a song on purpose my songs come in a moment of inspiration or desperation.

I like movies about longing and desperation and dark and light things stories about people struggling to raise children and to have relationships and be intimate with each other.

The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.

In life you need either inspiration or desperation.

Desperation is a necessary ingredient to learning anything or creating anything. Period. If you ain't desperate at some point you ain't interesting.

I don't think human beings learn anything without desperation. Desperation is a necessary ingredient to learning anything or creating anything. Period. If you ain't desperate at some point you ain't interesting.

I do believe that most men live lives of quiet desperation. For despair optimism is the only practical solution. Hope is practical. Because eliminate that and it's pretty scary. Hope at least gives you the option of living.

I always say three things make a writer: inspiration obviously perspiration doing the work. But the third is desperation. I'm not really fit for anything else or to have a real job. That fear drives me. The pressure has always been self inflicted.

Killing yourself is a major commitment it takes a kind of courage. Most people just lead lives of cowardly desperation. It's kinda half suicide where you just dull yourself with substances.

Desperation is the raw material of drastic change. Only those who can leave behind everything they have ever believed in can hope to escape.