Search For desirable In Quotes 21

It is only by the rational use of technology to control and guide what technology is doing that we can keep any hopes of a social life more desirable than our own: or in fact of a social life which is not appalling to imagine.

Many people recognize that technology often comes with unintended and undesirable side effects.

The stigma that was once attached to things society deemed unhealthy served the purpose of making them undesirable. With the stigma gone many people see little reason not to do whatever feels good at the moment.

I was always good at math and science and I never realized that that was unusual or somehow undesirable.

Among those who are satisfactory in this respect it is desirable to have represented as great a diversity of intellectual tradition social milieu and personal character as possible.

It is not desirable to cultivate a respect for the law so much as for the right.

When a guy tells me I'm cute it's not something desirable. Cute is more like what you want your pet to be.

We do not consider patriotism desirable if it contradicts civilized behavior.

Sometime they don't let you know that they know that they don't know everything but the core of the medical approach is that you try to identify pathologies which are subsystems within the human body or the larger system that are having undesirable consequences.

Words matter especially words defining complicated political arrangements because they shape perceptions of the events of the past attitudes toward policies being carried out in the present and expectations about desirable directions for the future.