Search For depart In Quotes 103

From the time that I can remember I worked to make money - either baby-sitting or one year wrapping gifts at a department store at Christmas so I could have my own money.

I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph.

All War Departments are now Defense Departments. This is all part of the doubletalk of our time. The aggressor is always on the other side.

I will not attempt to deny the reasonableness and necessity of a party war but in carrying on that war all principles and rules of justice should not be departed from.

So far as hypotheses are concerned let no one expect anything certain from astronomy which cannot furnish it lest he accept as the truth ideas conceived for another purpose and depart from this study a greater fool than when he entered it.

The truth is of course is that there is no journey. We are arriving and departing all at the same time.

Nothing that was worthy in the past departs no truth or goodness realized by man ever dies or can die.

Racial profiling punishes innocent individuals for the past actions of those who look and sound like them. It misdirects crucial resources and undercuts the trust needed between law enforcement and the communities they serve. It has no place in our national discourse and no place in our nation's police departments.

You travel across the country you visit departments you give talks you talk about the work at your laboratory - what's going on what the opportunities are there - you talk about your own research.

Could I say that the reason that I am here today you know from the mouth of the State Department itself is: I should not be allowed to travel because I have struggled for years for the independence of the colonial peoples of Africa.

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When I get in the car I love my wife and kids more than anything but I'm not thinking about that side of things. I'm thinking about the car I'm thinking about the race and I'm thinking about how to make the car faster.