Search For decency In Quotes 18

We learned about dignity and decency - that how hard you work matters more than how much you make... that helping others means more than just getting ahead yourself.

Above all it is not decency or goodness of gentleness that impresses the Middle East but strength.

The practice of executing such offenders is a relic of the past and is inconsistent with evolving standards of decency in a civilized society.

Alabama citizens like the vast majority of Americans respect and value the meaning of decency and appreciate public institutions that reflect the common values of our society.

If someone lacked decency or respect I didn't allow that person to stay in my world.

The most practical kind of politics is the politics of decency.

It is impossible to practice parliamentary politics without having patience decency politeness and courtesy.

Justice consists in doing no injury to men decency in giving them no offense.

I've always felt in all my books that there's a deep decency in the American people and a native intelligence - providing they have the facts providing they have the information.

I love our shared island our shared Ireland and its core decency. I love it for its imagination and its celebration of the endless possibilities for our people.