Search For deaths In Quotes 15

Air travel survived decades of terrorism including attacks which resulted in the deaths of everyone on the plane. It survived 9/11. It'll survive the next successful attack. The only real worry is that we'll scare ourselves into making air travel so onerous that we won't fly anymore.

Breast cancer deaths in America have been declining for more than a decade. Much of that success is due to early detection and better treatments for women. I strongly encourage women to get a mammogram.

We can come to look upon the deaths of our enemies with as much regret as we feel for those of our friends namely when we miss their existence as witnesses to our success.

I think a lot of people think that my parents' deaths is why I write such sad songs but that's not true. Those songs may just be the woman I am.

The beef industry has contributed to more American deaths than all the wars of this century all natural disasters and all automobile accidents combined.

Chronic malnutrition or the lack of proper nutrition over time directly contributes to three times as many child deaths as food scarcity. Yet surprisingly you don't really hear about this hidden crisis through the morning news Twitter or headlines of major newspapers.

What our children have to fear is not the cars on the highways of tomorrow but our own pleasure in calculating the most elegant parameters of their deaths.

Happy or unhappy families are all mysterious. We have only to imagine how differently we would be described - and will be after our deaths - by each of the family members who believe they know us.

I think I've always been somebody since the deaths of my father and brother who was afraid to hope. So I was more prepared for failure and for rejection than for success.

But for me it is when a student has died. I find the death of a young person the most difficult and painful of times. To explain it to other young people to see a bright future snuffed out is just awful. I am haunted by those deaths.