Search For daddy In Quotes 35

I had a 2-week courtship with a fellow student in the fiction workshop in Iowa and a 5-minute wedding in a lawyer's office above the coffee shop where we'd been having lunch that day. And so I sent a cable to my father saying 'By the time you get this Daddy I'll already be Mrs. Blaise!'

You've got to stand up and do your own battles. My daddy taught me that a long time ago that you fight your own battles. The only way to shut everybody up is to win.

We're in this transition period of figuring out how to deal with all the new technology that is out there but television still proves to be the granddaddy of them all.

I want to thank my mum my daddy my coach my teacher everybody in my life.

In our society leaving baby with Daddy is just one step above leaving the kids to be raised by wolves or apes.

Don't Cry Daddy is a pretty sad song. He got to the end of it and it was just real quiet and Elvis says I'm gonna cut that someday for my daddy. And by God he did. He lived up to his word.

I went through a phase when I was 13 where I would only fall in love with people over the age of 19 or 20. I never had a real relationship with any of these people but it was definitely the guy I wanted to hang out with and wanted to go on trips with. I would be like 'But Daddy he's a musician!'.

I've brought my daughters all over the world-they travel with me. I drag them out of school just to keep the relationship. When I'm home I'm a big-time daddy.

Daddy loves you but he smacks you and he can shout at you and smash things but Daddy still loves you. So when you get into a relationship with someone who does all of that why would it be unusual?

I just hope it grows into where it was before because I want my son to see it. I want him to have a positive memory of it going forward so he can be proud of his daddy.