Search For curiosity In Quotes 47

We didn't set out to be educators or even scientists and we don't purport that what we do is real science but we're demonstrating a methodology by which one can engage and satisfy your curiosity.

I think it was this curiosity about the natural world which awoke my early interest in science.

Science is fun. Science is curiosity. We all have natural curiosity. Science is a process of investigating. It's posing questions and coming up with a method. It's delving in.

The scientist is motivated primarily by curiosity and a desire for truth.

Joy in the universe and keen curiosity about it all - that has been my religion.

After my mom died there was so much written about her fashion and her style and all that and I felt that one of the most important parts of her was missing her real intellectual curiosity.

First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity.

Life must be lived and curiosity kept alive. One must never for whatever reason turn his back on life.

I love learning and I think that curiosity is a wonderful gift.

Doing a documentary is about discovering being open learning and following curiosity.