Search For crush In Quotes 41

I have crushes on women all the time. I don't have intimate relationships with them but I find women beautiful.

War kills men and men deplore the loss but war also crushes bad principles and tyrants and so saves societies.

War is good when good survives and evil is crushed. If you don't crush evil then evil will get you.

Force is as pitiless to the man who possesses it or thinks he does as it is to its victims the second it crushes the first it intoxicates. The truth is nobody really possesses it.

I used to write things for friends. There was this girl I had a crush on and she had a teacher she didn't like at school. I had a real crush on her so almost every day I would write her a little short story where she would kill him in a different way.

I would never encourage my children to be athletes - first because my children are not athletes and second because there are so many people pushing to get to the top in sports that 100 people are crushed for each one who breaks through. This is unfortunate.

Police in China can do whatever they want after 81 days in arbitrary detention you clearly realise that they don't have to obey their own laws. In a society like this there is no negotiation no discussion except to tell you that power can crush you any time they want - not only you your whole family and all people like you.

I really really really want to do a silly romantic comedy where I can just have a crush on the guy trip over myself and laugh and be goofy. I just feel like all I do is cry sob and fight zombies and the bad guys.

Most cynics are really crushed romantics: they've been hurt they're sensitive and their cynicism is a shell that's protecting this tiny dear part in them that's still alive.

I certainly wanted to maintain some sense of mystery about Picard and that's why we never allowed certain situations to fully evolve like the relationship between Picard and Beverly Crusher.