Search For critic In Quotes 272

I have learned not to read reviews. Period. And I hate reviewers. All of them or at least all but two or three. Life is much simpler ignoring reviews and the nasty people who write them. Critics should find meaningful work.

In order to excel you must be completely dedicated to your chosen sport. You must also be prepared to work hard and be willing to accept constructive criticism. Without one-hundred percent dedication you won't be able to do this.

The better a work is the more it attracts criticism it is like the fleas who rush to jump on white linens.

It behooves every man to remember that the work of the critic is of altogether secondary importance and that in the end progress is accomplished by the man who does things.

I will say that the idea of a woman being deceptive came from that original discussion with critics and reporters about if woman could do that kind of thing. Evelyn herself grew out of the discussions about how capable women are of deceit and lying and manipulation.

I think women are excellent social critics.

The plan was criticized by some retired military officers embedded in TV studios. But with every advance by our coalition forces the wisdom of that plan becomes more apparent.

We managed to put together a compilation that had some creativity to it. In the meantime I was listening to the free radio stations and I noticed that during their war coverage they were playing these songs born out of the Vietnam War that were all critical of the soldiers.

This is an important book the critic assumes because it deals with war. This is an insignificant book because it deals with the feelings of women in a drawing-room.

You know what the critics are. If you tell the truth they only say you're cynical and it does an author no good to get a reputation for cynicism.

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Thank goodness I had a great family growing up a great foundation. But I will say my faith my parents my family all that stuff is very very important. And I'll say that until the day I die.