Search For criminals In Quotes 23

I consider Bush's decision to call for a war against terrorism a serious mistake. He is elevating these criminals to the status of war enemies and one cannot lead a war against a network if the term war is to retain any definite meaning.

If we stick together as an American people we can bring down the war criminals that are running our country right now.

Above all I would teach him to tell the truth Truth-telling I have found is the key to responsible citizenship. The thousands of criminals I have seen in 40 years of law enforcement have had one thing in common: Every single one was a liar.

For many centuries suicides were treated like criminals by the society. That is part of the terrible legacy that has come down into society's method of handling suicide recovery. Now we have to fight off the demons that have been hanging around suicide for centuries.

Society questions the police and their methods and the police say Do you want the criminals off the street or not?

There are few better measures of the concern a society has for its individual members and its own well being than the way it handles criminals.

I always watched movies and rooted for the bad guys you know? I've always been that kind of guy. I still hold some respect for criminals that are good at their jobs.

Part of the reason why movie bosses are so obsessed with crime movies is because they know that world and the criminals. And that's what they are - they would not hesitate to act illegally to achieve profit and gain.

Our systems are all go. At 9:30 Monday morning trading will resume on both markets and the message will be given to criminals who foisted this on America that they lost.

How did we suddenly become entranced with gangster culture? I saw it this morning on campus. When did the black community say we should all look like criminals?