Search For costumes In Quotes 13

I've always been attracted to romantic secondhand clothes. But my style developed as I started going to these strange raves where everybody had these very definitive costumes.

The only difference is that religion is much better organised and has been around much longer but it's the same story with different characters and different costumes.

My mom did costumes for the Pointer Sisters.

I've just been learning how to direct my own videos choreography doing costumes... every creative opportunity there is with my music I've taken.

I love costumes. I love getting dressed up because it really helps my imagination make the leap to believe that I am who I say I am.

It was something I was more interested in myself. When I went to see my sister dance at ballet I was really into costumes and the arts and my family was also supportive of whatever me and my sister wanted to do. I would say I pushed myself the most to be into design.

Well I design costumes because I started with the theater in Chicago but somehow a few lines just sort of fell to me to do it. And I studied it in school and I always liked it.

From about eight years old I was always making things on the sewing machine. Friends would see me making dresses and costumes and I'd use difficult fabrics such as Lycra and elastic. But you know my dad was creative and my brother is inventive too.

If human beings had genuine courage they'd wear their costumes every day of the year not just on Halloween.

You go through at least the first two years of Star Trek and you find some amazing stuff. Everything that was going on Gene put into the series. He just put strange costumes on the actors and painted them funny colours and left the same situation in.