Search For cosmic In Quotes 13

Operationally God is beginning to resemble not a ruler but the last fading smile of a cosmic Cheshire cat.

The essence of life is the smile of round female bottoms under the shadow of cosmic boredom.

I like science fiction and physics things like that. Planets being sucked into black holes and the various vortexes that create possibility and what happens on the other side of the black hole. To me it's the microcosmic study of the macrocosmic universe in man and that's why I'm attracted to it.

The ground we walk on the plants and creatures the clouds above constantly dissolving into new formations - each gift of nature possessing its own radiant energy bound together by cosmic harmony.

Humans may or may not have cosmic significance and if they do it will be by hitching a ride on the objective centrality of knowledge in the cosmic scheme of things.

For 13 to be unlucky would require there to be some kind of cosmic intelligence that counts things that humans count and that also makes certain things happen on certain dates or in certain places according to whether the number 13 'is involved' or not (whatever 'is involved' might mean).

It would be a bitter cosmic joke if we destroy ourselves due to atrophy of the imagination.

God the Father the supreme Architect had already built this cosmic home we behold the most sacred temple of His godhead by the laws of His mysterious wisdom.

My mission is a cosmic mission. My concern is for all of humanity and not only this present world but the world hereafter. My mission penetrates the past present and future and encompasses all humanity.

Through no divine design or cosmic plan we have inherited the mantle of life's caretaker on the earth the only home we have ever known.

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The thing people don't understand is that touring or travelling or whatever you do in my position means you go to all these cool places all over the world but you see everything from a car window. You don't get to see much of the city or meet people at all.