Search For contentment In Quotes 21

One should either be sad or joyful. Contentment is a warm sty for eaters and sleepers.

Contentment does not come from achievement. It comes from a relationship with the Lord.

True contentment is a thing as active as agriculture. It is the power of getting out of any situation all that there is in it. It is arduous and it is rare.

Whatever we are waiting for - peace of mind contentment grace the inner awareness of simple abundance - it will surely come to us but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart.

The apex of my civic pride and personal contentment was reached on the bright September morning when I entered the public school.

Many openly show discontentment with their looks but few with their intelligence. I however assure you there are many more plain minds than faces.

Writing a novel is one of those modern rites of passage I think that lead us from an innocent world of contentment drunkenness and good humor to a state of chronic edginess and the perpetual scanning of bank statements.

Peace plenty and contentment reign throughout our borders and our beloved country presents a sublime moral spectacle to the world.

Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend. Non-being is the greatest joy.

Eventually we reach the point where we start to realize that we are not going to find peace contentment happiness strength fearlessness - all of the things that in our heart of hearts we wish we had - outside of us.