Search For conquer In Quotes 68

No one has the right to ignite a war and lead an occupation and armies to conquer people invading them and make them suffer all kinds of torture murder expulsion displacement bombing and terrorism by different lethal prohibited weapons and then come and speak as the savior of the people or a defender of their rights.

War is not the answer because only love can conquer hate.

I think space will be conquered through the mind rather than the clumsy medium of space travel.

Any time you think you have the game conquered the game will turn around and punch you right in the nose.

My top most priority is to deal with India's massive social and economic problems so that chronic poverty ignorance and disease can be conquered in a reasonably short period of time.

Everyone has determination - it's a question of how you use it. Hers is based on power and success and conquering she doesn't care what she has to do or who gets hurt in the process. In that way we're very very different.

Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. Together let us explore the stars conquer the deserts eradicate disease tap the ocean depths and encourage the arts and commerce.

The conqueror is regarded with awe the wise man commands our respect but it is only the benevolent man that wins our affection.

Religion is the organization of spirituality into something that became the hand maiden of conquerors. Nearly all religions were brought to people and imposed on people by conquerors and used as the framework to control their minds.

These years in silence and reflection made me stronger and reminded me that acceptance has to come from within and that this kind of truth gives me the power to conquer emotions I didn't even know existed.

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History is filled with tragic examples of wars that result from diplomatic impasse. Whether in our local communities or in international relations the skillful use of our communicative capacities to negotiate and resolve differences is the first evidence of human wisdom.