Search For confine In Quotes 38

Animals in their generation are wiser than the sons of men but their wisdom is confined to a few particulars and lies in a very narrow compass.

I tend not to trust people who live in very tidy houses. I know that on the surface there is nothing wrong with a person being well-ordered and disciplined. Nothing except that it leaves the impression of that person having lived in the confines of a stark institution which although he or she has long since left remains within.

Air travel is the safest form of travel aside from walking even then the chances of being hit by a public bus at 30 000 feet are remarkably slim. I also have no problem with confined spaces. Or heights. What I am afraid of is speed.

In the earliest days this was a project I worked on with great passion because I wanted to solve the Defense Department's problem: it did not want proprietary networking and it didn't want to be confined to a single network technology.

We should confine booing in sports arenas to sport. I love a good boo as much as the next football fan.

There are many who lust for the simple answers of doctrine or decree. They are on the left and right. They are not confined to a single part of the society. They are terrorists of the mind.

There are so many stories to tell in the worlds of science fiction the worlds of fantasy and horror that to confine yourself to even doing historical revisionist fiction whatever you want to call it - mash-ups gimmick lit absurdist fiction - I don't know if I want to do that anymore.

God's love is too great to be confined to any one side of a conflict or to any one religion.

No horse gets anywhere until he is harnessed. No stream or gas drives anything until it is confined. No Niagara is ever turned into light and power until it is tunneled. No life ever grows great until it is focused dedicated disciplined.

I am never going to have anything more to do with politics or politicians. When this war is over I shall confine myself entirely to writing and painting.