Search For compel In Quotes 47

Earthly wisdom is doing what comes naturally. Godly wisdom is doing what the Holy Spirit compels us to do.

IBM's long-standing mantra is 'Think.' What has always made IBM a fascinating and compelling place for me is the passion of the company and its people to apply technology and scientific thinking to major societal issues.

There's something very beautiful and compelling about someone who has ambition and someone who knows what they want but it can get a little frustrating at times so I understand that. I have sympathy for that.

Evil is the moment when I lack the strength to be true to the Good that compels me.

RFK was a compelling figure because he was willing to challenge his audiences and in turn connect with them in a unique way. Kennedy showed that our values define us and can inspire others to believe in the possibility of change and a better society.

Beyond that I seem to be compelled to write science fiction rather than fantasy or mysteries or some other genre more likely to climb onto bestseller lists even though I enjoy reading a wide variety of literature both fiction and nonfiction.

Because religion has such a compelling hold on the deep psyches of so many people feminists cannot afford to leave it in the hands of the fathers.

Are ideals confined to this deformed experiment upon a noble purpose tainted as it is with bargains and tied to a peace treaty which might have been disposed of long ago to the great benefit of the world if it had not been compelled to carry this rider on its back?

Pop stardom is not very compelling. I'm much more interested in a relationship between performer and audience that is of equals. I came up through folk music and there's no pomp and circumstance to the performance. There's no like 'I'll be the rock star you be the adulating fan.'

Millions of men have lived to fight build palaces and boundaries shape destinies and societies but the compelling force of all times has been the force of originality and creation profoundly affecting the roots of human spirit.

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Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise gratifies its curiosity and gives it an idea of which it was not before possessed.