Search For comparison In Quotes 29

I carry my own film guys with me now. People think that's a huge expense but with technology like it is these days it's not. You can film videos and everything with a Canon Mark II and shoot a movie. They're doing it for next to nothing by comparison. I can do ten videos for a project for the price of one mainstream video in the past.

For unflagging interest and enjoyment a household of children if things go reasonably well certainly all other forms of success and achievement lose their importance by comparison.

The Athanasian Creed is to me light and intelligible reading in comparison with much that now passes for science.

Intolerance respecting other people's religion is toleration itself in comparison with intolerance respecting other people's art.

Now we occupy a lowly position both in space and rank in comparison with the heavenly sphere and the Almighty is Most High not in space but with respect to absolute existence greatness and power.

These seem to me so ambiguous so vague so easily misunderstood in comparison to genuine music which fills the soul with a thousand things better than words.

I don't know why but the older I get the more interested I get in my parents' marriage. And it's interesting to be married yourself too because there is an inevitable comparison.

Marriage of attraction is a gamble anyway so you might as well marry into a family that is similar to your own and make that much less of an adjustment. But the 'love marriage' as it is called is equally common in India now. But it would be interesting to do a comparison of what would work better. Marriage is hard work and it is a gamble.

Religion is more than life. Remember that his own religion is the truest to every man even if it stands low in the scales of philosophical comparison.

The surest route to breeding jealousy is to compare. Since jealousy comes from feeling less than another comparisons only fan the fires.

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Anyone can support a team that is winning - it takes no courage. But to stand behind a team to defend a team when it is down and really needs you that takes a lot of courage.