Search For commandments In Quotes 12

Every man should have laws of his own I should think commandments of his own for every man has a different set of circumstances wherein to work - or worry.

The Ten Commandments have never been replaced as the moral basis upon which society rests.

In my book I specifically discussed the structural nature of injustice and offered Nine Touchstones of Goddess ethics as an alternative to the Ten Commandments of Biblical religion.

The irony of the Supreme Court hearing on these cases last week and of the outright hostility that the Court has displayed against religion in recent years is that above the head of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is a concrete display of the Ten Commandments.

All the commandments: You shall not commit adultery you shall not kill you shall not steal you shall not covet and so on are summed up in this single command: You must love your neighbor as yourself.

Perhaps these Ten Commandments cases will be the turning point in the legal war against religion.

Mr. Speaker the fact of the matter is that the Ten Commandments are a historical document that contains moral ethical and legal truisms that any person of any religion or even an atheist can recognize and appreciate.

One of the great questions of philosophy is do we innately have morality or do we get it from celestial dictation? A study of the Ten Commandments is a very good way of getting into and resolving that issue.

You know it's ironic to me that Christians want to keep the Ten Commandments in our schools because Christianity has abrogated four of the Ten Commandments. For example the Sabbath day according to the Ten Commandments is Saturday not Sunday. And the reason is because God rested not because Jesus was resurrected.

If God would have wanted us to live in a permissive society He would have given us Ten Suggestions and not Ten Commandments.