Search For clown In Quotes 22

I grew up in the Bronx where you would stay up late with your girlfriends just being silly in our bedrooms whatever. And I was always the clown.

I'm dealing with fools and trolls and soft targets. It's just strafing runs in my underwear before my first cup of coffee. I don't have time for these clowns.

I got through my teen years by being a bit of a clown.

I had no interest in sports so I didn't make friends in that traditional way where kids are in public school and they go and they join clubs and play sports. So I kind of had to find my own way to make friends and get attention and so I just was the class clown.

If by chance some day you're not feeling well and you should remember some silly thing I've said or done and it brings back a smile to your face or a chuckle to your heart then my purpose as your clown has been fulfilled.

I am not a sad clown. I am not a sad clown.

Dwight is a sad clown. You've seen those paintings of sad clown.

I know what I look like - a weird sad clown puppet. I'm fine with that.

Plus you know when I was young there was a lot of respect for clowning in rock music - look at Little Richard. It was a part of the whole thing and I always also believed that it released the audience.

I would borrow my mom's red Borghese lipstick and smear it on like a clown!