Search For clinic In Quotes 18

The need for this clinic is clear to me to the veterans who are currently forced to travel hours to receive care and even to the Veterans Administration that itself identified creation of a clinic in this part of our state as a priority to be completed by 2006.

My goals over the decade include to develop new drugs to treat intractable diseases by using iPS cell technology and to conduct clinical trials using it on a few patients with Parkinson's diseases diabetes or blood diseases.

I don't think the objective of an abortion clinic is to try to talk women out of having the procedure. That obviously would not be positive for their bottom line.

A majority perhaps as many as 75 percent of abortion clinics are in areas with high minority populations. Abortion apologists will say this is because they want to serve the poor. You don't serve the poor however by taking their money to terminate their children.

If you're so pro-life do me a favour: don't lock arms and block medical clinics. If you're so pro-life lock arms and block cemeteries.

Understand that legal and illegal are political and often arbitrary categorizations use and abuse are medical or clinical distinctions.

We were learning together. We'd go to various clinics and try to learn as much as possible.

Studying literature at Harvard is like learning about women at the Mayo clinic.

I began the study of medicine impelled by a desire for knowledge of facts and of man. The resolution to do disciplined work tied me to both laboratory and clinic for a long time to come.

There's only one thing harder than living in a home with an adolescent - and that's being an adolescent. The moodiness the volatility the wholesale lack of impulse control all would be close to clinical conditions if they occurred at another point in life. In adolescence they're just part of the behavioral portfolio.