Search For cling In Quotes 37

It is women who love horror. Gloat over it. Feed on it. Are nourished by it. Shudder and cling and cry out-and come back for more.

Team GB's success at the Beijing Olympics can in part be said to have been made in Manchester. For example all the cycling medal winners trained at Manchester's velodrome the National Cycling Centre.

In most sports your brain and your body will cooperate... But in rock climbing it is the other way around. Your brain doesn't see the point in climbing upwards. Your brain will tell you to keep as low as possible to cling to the wall and not get any higher. You have to have your brain persuading your body to do the right movements.

We live in a disposable society. It's easier to throw things out than to fix them. We even give it a name - we call it recycling.

I love it when the left and when the president say 'Don't try to impose your values on us you folks who hold your Bibles in your hand and cling to your guns.' They have values too. Our values are based on religion based on life. Their values are based on a religion of self.

Hey I'm a Catholic deer hunter I am happy to be clinging to my guns and my religion.

It's not surprising then they get bitter they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

And yet there are still people in American politics who for some reason cling to this belief that America is better off adopting the economic policies of nations whose people who immigrate here from there.

There are no true friends in politics. We are all sharks circling and waiting for traces of blood to appear in the water.

Don't cling to fame. You're just borrowing it. It's like money. You're going to die and somebody else is going to get it.

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Marimba is much more of a wood-type experience and there is no real possibility of getting a dry sound and getting that contrast in the same way that you can in a vibraphone.