Search For claiming In Quotes 14

Reclaiming the word 'fat' was the most empowering step in my progress. I stopped using it for insult or degradation and instead replaced it with truth because the truth is that I am fat and that's ok. So now when someone calls me fat I agree whereas before I would get embarrassed and emotional.

Not managing your time and making excuses are two bad habits. Don't put them both together by claiming you 'don't have the time'.

The only thing that can save the world is the reclaiming of the awareness of the world. That's what poetry does.

While you are proclaiming peace with your lips be careful to have it even more fully in your heart.

Obama has been attacked repeatedly for not wearing a flag pin with Republicans claiming that his patriotism is in question. It's all a bit silly.

I'm not claiming divinity. I've never claimed purity of soul. I've never claimed to have the answers to life. I only put out songs and answer questions as honestly as I can... But I still believe in peace love and understanding.

In addition to removing our democratically elected government Israel wants to sow dissent among Palestinians by claiming that there is a serious leadership rivalry among us. I am compelled to dispel this notion definitively.

I'm not claiming that football is the nation's salvation in this area but it's one of them one little thing that apparently has captured the imagination of a large sector of our society. But when football can't be a relatively pure outlet a fun thing then it hurts itself.

History is full of people who went to prison or were burned at the stake for proclaiming their ideas. Society has always defended itself.

Remove advertising disable a person or firm from proclaiming its wares and their merits and the whole of society and of the economy is transformed. The enemies of advertising are the enemies of freedom.