Search For chief In Quotes 119

A sexual revolution begins with the emancipation of women who are the chief victims of patriarchy and also with the ending of homosexual oppression.

A Code of Honor: Never approach a friend's girlfriend or wife with mischief as your goal. There are just too many women in the world to justify that sort of dishonorable behavior. Unless she's really attractive.

Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody rather than for somebody.

There are a number of mechanical devices which increase sexual arousal particularly in women. Chief among these is the Mercedes-Benz 380SL convertible.

Dr. Johnson has said that the chief glory of a country arises from its authors. But then that is only as they are oracles of wisdom unless they teach virtue they are more worthy of a halter than of the laurel.

To win this war we need a commander in chief not a professor of law standing at the lectern.

The truth of things is the chief nutriment of superior intellects.

Truth is always in harmony with herself and is not concerned chiefly to reveal the justice that may consist with wrong-doing.

The chief internal enemies of any state are those public officials who betray the trust imposed upon them by the people.

I was no chief and never had been but because I had been more deeply wronged than others this honor was conferred upon me and I resolved to prove worthy of the trust.

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The dirty little secret is that the pool man who's making $30 000 a year is subsidizing the million-dollar mortgage for the family whose pool he cleans. No wonder people want to get rid of tax breaks for corporate jets.