Search For cherish In Quotes 54

It's so clear that you have to cherish everyone. I think that's what I get from these older black women that every soul is to be cherished that every flower Is to bloom.

Well I'll tell you something this wedding is something that I will always always cherish. It was a show of love and support and kindness like I'd never seen from the people and that's who I entertain. I entertain the people.

Doubt indulged and cherished is in danger of becoming denial but if honest and bent on thorough investigation it may soon lead to full establishment of the truth.

I am a big defender of 'Harry Potter ' and I think any book that gets kids to read are books that we should cherish we should be thankful for them.

I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities.

Make the most of your regrets never smother your sorrow but tend and cherish it till it comes to have a separate and integral interest. To regret deeply is to live afresh.

The liberties and freedoms which we hold dear and we recognize and cherish and respect guide the way we gather information in the United States.

It was not a religion that attacked us that September day. It was al-Qaeda. We will not sacrifice the liberties we cherish or hunker down behind walls of suspicion and mistrust.

As a politician who cherishes religious conviction in his personal sphere but regards politics as a domain belonging outside religion I believe that this view is seriously flawed.

For too long we have focused on our differences - in our politics and backgrounds in our race and beliefs - rather than cherishing the unity and pride that binds us together.