Search For charlie In Quotes 20

There's a little vanity chair that Charlie gave me the first Christmas we knew each other. I'll not be parting with that nor our bed - the four-poster - I'll be needing that to die in.

You can trust Charlie Crist.

I got a pet monkey called Charlie Chan.

It didn't matter that Charlie Chaplin may not have been a great director or a great anything else. He made great movies.

My children have never watched any of my films. Charlie knows that daddy makes movies but he says they are not good enough for him to watch.

Heather knows why and when her marriage ended with Richie and she knows why my marriage ended with Charlie.

There's not one major greatest influence on my career. It would be film and great artists and great imagineers - Jim Henson Walt Disney Charlie Chaplin people who understand the joy of the imagination.

We have two dogs Mabel and Wolf and three cats at home Charlie George and Chairman. We have two cats on our farm Tom and Little Sister two horses and two mini horses Hannah and Tricky. We also have two cows Holy and Madonna. And those are only the animals we let sleep in our bed.

I got a poster from Columbia Records and there's Miles Davis Charlie Mingus Ellington Count Basie - everybody in that poster has died I'm the only one left. And great players like Paul Desmond and Gerry Mulligan it's hard to believe they're gone because we were all so close. But I believe in the future and the tradition will go on.

I love Charlie Billy Burke's character. Writing for him is so spectacular he's so funny and wry and every scene he's in he just takes. There's a scene in 'Eclipse' where Bella tells him she's a virgin and it's the funniest most awkward scene I've ever seen on film.