Search For centuries In Quotes 48

I have no doubt that we will be successful in harnessing the sun's energy. If sunbeams were weapons of war we would have had solar energy centuries ago.

I belong to a nation which over the past centuries has experienced many hardships and reverses. The world reacted with silence or with mere sympathy when Polish frontiers were crossed by invading armies and the sovereign state had to succumb to brutal force.

Vision is perhaps our greatest strength... it has kept us alive to the power and continuity of thought through the centuries it makes us peer into the future and lends shape to the unknown.

When a tradition gathers enough strength to go on for centuries you don't just turn it off one day.

For many centuries suicides were treated like criminals by the society. That is part of the terrible legacy that has come down into society's method of handling suicide recovery. Now we have to fight off the demons that have been hanging around suicide for centuries.

Instead of having to be a member of the Royal Society to do science the way you had to be in England in the 17th 18th centuries today pretty much anybody who wants to do it can and the information that they need to do it is there.

I'm really convinced that our descendants a century or two from now will look back at us with the same pity that we have toward the people in the field of science two centuries ago.

Almost everything that distinguishes the modern world from earlier centuries is attributable to science which achieved its most spectacular triumphs in the seventeenth century.

Now I think one of the reasons why religion developed in the way that it did over the centuries was precisely to curb this murderous bent that we have as human beings.

Human beings have speculated about the relationship between inspiration and insanity for centuries.

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I remember going for the first time to a place called The Roxy in New York because you can see people breakdancing there. That's the only reason I went! It's amazing kids are still doing that.