Search For category In Quotes 17

There does not exist a category of science to which one can give the name applied science. There are science and the applications of science bound together as the fruit of the tree which bears it.

One of the sad commentaries on the way women are viewed in our society is that we have to fit one category. I have never felt that I had to be in one category.

Among the letters my readers write me there is a certain category which is continuously growing and which I see as a symptom of the increasing intellectualization of the relationship between readers and literature.

I see no reason for calling my work poetry except that there is no other category in which to put it.

For me great music doesn't just have to fall into one category or one genre and I love appreciating all kinds of music.

I have two different categories of favorite films. One is the emotional favorites which means these are generally films that I saw when I was a kid anything you see in your formative years is more powerful because it really stays with you forever. The second category is films that I saw while I was learning the craft of motion pictures.

There is still the feeling that women's writing is a lesser class of writing that what goes on in the nursery or the bedroom is not as important as what goes on in the battlefield that what women know about is a less category of knowledge.

Intelligence is a moral category.

Laughter and the broader category of humor are key elements in helping us go on with our life after a loss.

Domestic discretionary spending on education and health care and the environment has been growing at 2 to 3 percent a year. He says we have to rein it in but he ignores the spending category that is the big spike in the budget.

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There is no sea more dangerous than the ocean of practical politics none in which there is more need of good pilotage and of a single unfaltering purpose when the waves rise high.