Search For breed In Quotes 43

Hairdressers are a wonderful breed. You work one-on-one with another human being and the object is to make them feel so much better and to look at themselves with a twinkle in their eye.

Councils of war breed timidity and defeatism.

For what can war but endless war still breed?

As though there were a tie And obligation to posterity. We get them bear them breed and nurse: What has posterity done for us. That we lest they their rights should lose Should trust our necks to gripe of noose?

People commonly travel the world over to see rivers and mountains new stars garish birds freak fish grotesque breeds of human they fall into an animal stupor that gapes at existence and they think they have seen something.

What I did in my youth is hundreds of times easier today. Technology breeds crime.

Four years of football are calculated to breed in the average man more of the ingredients of success in life than almost any academic course he takes.

Success breeds success.

I am doomed to an eternity of compulsive work. No set goal achieved satisfies. Success only breeds a new goal. The golden apple devoured has seeds. It is endless.

Those who cannot work with their hearts achieve but a hollow half-hearted success that breeds bitterness all around.

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Last time I spoke to my mom she called me from a pay phone and we didn't have the best talk. Ever since my stepdad passed away three years ago she has been very depressed and hasn't been herself at all.