Search For bother In Quotes 48

Killing Japanese didn't bother me very much at that time... I suppose if I had lost the war I would have been tried as a war criminal.

The cancer doesn't bother me. I have great faith that the technology will beat it.

A little girl who finds a puzzle frustrating might ask her busy mother (or teacher) for help. The child gets one message if her mother expresses clear pleasure at the request and quite another if mommy responds with a curt 'Don't bother me - I've got important work to do.'

You can take Elvis. You can take Marilyn Monroe. Success and fame will not be the answer if something inside of you is bothering you if things in your mind aren't going right.

I always said that if I could just find a guy who could chop wood and had a nice smile it wouldn't bother me if he was a thug or an aristocrat as long as he was a good guy. And I've ended up with an educated thug.

The usual approach of science of constructing a mathematical model cannot answer the questions of why there should be a universe for the model to describe. Why does the universe go to all the bother of existing?

I believe that when you're in love you have to pour your heart and soul out to your partner... or why bother? So in that sense I'm an incurable romantic when it comes to men.

There are some people whose opinion I value and respect and it would be very bothersome if I forfeited their respect. But the general public? I'm not preoccupied with the opinions of others.

When I really want to be soothed and reminded of why people bother to fiddle with sentences I often read poetry.

A true poet does not bother to be poetical. Nor does a nursery gardener scent his roses.