Search For birthdays In Quotes 15

I loved raising my kids. I loved the process the dirt of it the tears of it the frustration of it Christmas Easter birthdays growth charts pediatrician appointments. I loved all of it.

Marriage is the alliance of two people one of whom never remembers birthdays and the other who never forgets them.

Great dad. Yeah he would ask me for money on birthdays and you know inappropriate times. And I just wrote him off like 'You're not a father.' I just learned you cannot emotionally invest in people who are not attainable.

I was turning 20 during my first record. Those decade birthdays always kind of cause me it seems to reflect look back and then look forward. I just was closing this period of my life where I was living in a car and scrambling my whole life to then signing a six-record deal with Atlantic.

At her birthday my seven-year-old daughter will say that she wants these big cakes and certain expensive toys as presents and I can't say no to her. It would just break my heart. But when I was little for birthdays we just played outside and we were happy if we got any cake.

I hate birthdays. I thought that I only hated my own birthday and then I realized that I hate my children's birthdays too.

The reason I met my husband was because I remembered a friend's birthday. The moral of the story is: Remember people's birthdays.

I hate birthdays. I hate birthday parties. I hate them. I don't know what it is anybody's only got to come wafting near me with a piece of cake with a candle on and I break out in hives.

Anybody can have a birthday. It requires nothing. Murderers have birthdays. It's the opposite of anything that I believe in. And I don't like at work where you stop everything to sing 'Happy Birthday' to someone. I feel like that's for children.

I like to go to anybody else's birthday and if I'm invited I'm a good guest. But I never celebrate my birthdays. I really don't care.