Search For billion In Quotes 73

We spend billions of pounds on welfare yet millions are trapped on welfare. It's not worth their while going into work.

I find the fact that billionaires are quoted as if the fact that they are billionaires gives them some kind of wisdom is outrageous.

As a parent and a citizen I'll take a Bill Gates (or Warren Buffett) over Steve Jobs every time. If we must have billionaires better they should ignore Jobs's example and instead embrace the morality and wisdom of the great industrialist-philanthropist Andrew Carnegie.

I have absolutely no regret about my vote against this war. The same questions remain. The cost in human lives the cost to our budget probably 100 billion. We could have probably brought down that statue for a lot less.

When you get billions in aid and your weapons resupplied and your ammunition stock resupplied you don't learn the lesson that war is bad and nobody wins.

When I write stuff and I help cast it I turn away good people all the time. I may turn them down because this one's too tall and that one doesn't have a high enough voice or this one looks to old to match up with that one - there's a billion reasons not to hire somebody.

With the world's human population now at seven billion and growing and the demand for technology and modern conveniences increasing we can't control all our negative impacts. But we have to find better ways to live within the limits nature and its cycles impose.

Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators in every nation by children being taught mathematical concepts.

The NFL is such a large multibillion dollar enterprise with fan loyalty because they have provided not only entertainment for sports fans but memories good memories family memories to these fans that can only bring about good will.

In December I agreed to extend the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans because it was the only way I could prevent a tax hike on middle-class Americans. But we cannot afford $1 trillion worth of tax cuts for every millionaire and billionaire in our society. We can't afford it. And I refuse to renew them again.

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In L.A. I get a meal delivery service called Diet Designs. I like a nice butter lettuce salad with some avocado fresh grapefruit shredded chicken breast and raw almond slices with a sesame vinaigrette dressing. I also love juicing and am kind of obsessed with it.