Search For batter In Quotes 21

I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note on it saying toys not included.

Sex is full of lies. The body tries to tell the truth. But it's usually too battered with rules to be heard and bound with pretenses so it can hardly move. We cripple ourselves with lies.

People would like better batteries but they are wary of making investments. What is required is both a technology push and a market pull.

The technology is just so far gone. It's just like back in the day you needed a suitcase just to have a cell phone. The battery was so heavy it was like carrying a gallon of soda around with you all day.

Look at countries like China they are determined to dominate all clean technology areas putting lots of money into wind solar electric vehicles and battery storage. America's political impotence caused by their terrible partisanship will see them left behind.

Every great batter works on the theory that the pitcher is more afraid of him than he is of the pitcher.

As soon as I got out there I felt a strange relationship with the pitcher's mound. It was as if I'd been born out there. Pitching just felt like the most natural thing in the world. Striking out batters was easy.

This is the pain pacemaker. I've got a battery under my skin. From that battery are two electrodes that go into the spine where they cut bone away to accommodate it. Now I put on the power here. If I have the pain the stimulator starts. It's tingling like when your foot falls asleep you know?

I feel that sin and evil are the negative part of you and I think it's like a battery: you've got to have the negative and the positive in order to be a complete person.

When I'm off the road my husband and I recharge our batteries. It's a day of deep rest and connection with the spiritual and that can be anything - going for a walk in nature being in silence burning incense.