Search For banish In Quotes 19

The flowery style is not unsuitable to public speeches or addresses which amount only to compliment. The lighter beauties are in their place when there is nothing more solid to say but the flowery style ought to be banished from a pleading a sermon or a didactic work.

May the same Almighty Goodness banish the accursed monster war from all lands with her hated associates rapine and insatiable ambition!

My first wish is to see this plague of mankind war banished from the earth.

It is impossible for a lover of cats to banish these alert gentle and discriminating friends who give us just enough of their regard and complaisance to make us hunger for more.

Absence from those we love is self from self - a deadly banishment.

Republics are created by the virtue public spirit and intelligence of the citizens. They fall when the wise are banished from the public councils because they dare to be honest and the profligate are rewarded because they flatter the people in order to betray them.

I hope someday we will be able to proclaim that we have banished hunger in the United States and that we've been able to bring nutrition and health to the whole world.

And though my Lord hath lost his estate and been banished out of his country yet neither despised poverty nor pinching necessity could make him break the bonds of friendship or weaken his loyal duty.

What Churchill described as the twin marauders of war and tyranny have been almost entirely banished from our continent. Today hundreds of millions dwell in freedom from the Baltic to the Adriatic from the Western Approaches to the Aegean.

It is because I believe that it is in the power of such nations to lead the world back into the paths of peace that I propose to devote myself to explaining what in my opinion can and should be done to banish the fear of war that hangs so heavily over the world.