Search For banana In Quotes 12

As great as Ed is the wisdom out here is that he can't carry a movie. They'll pay him $3 million to be the second banana in Julia Roberts things. But they won't put up $3 million for an Ed Harris movie.

I'm positive and I smile a lot and I'm kind of a banana but serious work just seems to find me so I'm not going to argue with it.

Democrats always like to brag that their guys are smarter than the opponents and Republicans always like to brag that their guys are more moral than the opponents. But if you're looking for morals in politics you're looking for bananas in the cheese department.

If I'm playing in the morning I'll get some carbs early: porridge with chopped banana. If I'm playing in the afternoon I'll start with less carbs and have some eggs and fruit for breakfast then a light lunch about 90 minutes before I play so I don't feel sluggish or full.

I'm a better person in a relationship and I'm a happier person. I need to come home at the end of the day and have it not be about me and my freaking hair and makeup and character motivations anymore. And I think my work is more inspired when home is safe and sound and solid because what I do for a living is so bananas and so insecure.

I'm going to buy some green bananas because by the time I get home they'll be ripe.

I feel pretty good. My body actually looks like an old banana but it's fine.

I think Chris Rock at the Oscars was a great example. I thought that was intellectually hilarious. The Gap starts a war with Banana Republic... That to me was funny.

Without hurting anybody we all tend to laugh at others' discomfort. When someone slips on a banana skin and falls it's funny.

I used to work for a management consulting company so I dressed differently - business casual probably a lot of things from Banana Republic. My wardrobe now is definitely more expensive but I always dress for the occasion.