Search For avoiding In Quotes 15

There is no avoiding war it can only be postponed to the advantage of others.

Drama lives on conflict. If you're trying to deal with social issues seriously there's no way of avoiding violence which is so present in society.

When I was younger many of my romantic escapades were just a means of simply avoiding being by myself. I was afraid of feeling lonely afraid I wouldn't know what to say to myself.

If I don't talk about my religion if I say I'm not discussing it or different humanitarian things I'm working on they're like 'He's avoiding it.' If I do talk about it it becomes 'Oh he's proselytizing.'

Caring for children is a dance between setting appropriate limits as caretakers and avoiding unnecessary power struggles that result in unhappiness.

Positive healthy loving relationships in your twenties... I don't know if anyone would disagree with it: I think they're the exception not the norm. People are either playing house really aggressively because they're scared of what an uncertain time it is or they're avoiding commitment altogether.

Poetry is the most subtle of the literary arts and students grow more ingenious by the year at avoiding it. If they can nip around Milton duck under Blake and collapse gratefully into the arms of Jane Austen a lot of them will.

You cannot find peace by avoiding life.

Part of the happiness of life consists not in fighting battles but in avoiding them. A masterly retreat is in itself a victory.

Do not worry about avoiding temptation. As you grow older it will avoid you.