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It can't be overstated how wonderful it is not to have to audition any more. Any actor will tell you it's like Christmas.

When I auditioned for 'Wedding Crashers ' the producers had never seen any of my other work except for Bond. I got 'Wedding Crashers' partly because I was a Bond girl.

I love auditioning. Since 'The Notebook' and 'Wedding Crashers ' I don't have to audition anymore and I miss it. You get to show your interpretation of the character. I get nervous when I don't audition. What if they hate what I want to do?

I played teen roles until high definition came out and I could never understand it. I would go in for adult roles and be older than many of the people auditioning but they'd cast the girl without a line on her face.

Quite honestly I never had a desire to be an actor. I tell people I did not choose acting acting chose me. I never grew up wanting to be an actor. I wanted to play football. In about 9th grade an English teacher told me I had a talent to act. He said I should audition for a performing arts high school so I did on a whim. I got accepted.

My first acting job happened by accident when I was really young. I was in fifth grade and my teacher saw an ad in the paper and took me to the audition after school and I got the part.

I wasn't originally taking drama but the drama teacher asked me to audition for Bye Bye Birdie. I did and got the lead role. Initially I was kind of scared but once I did it I got bitten by the bug and loved it.

I was 20 years old working as a roofer and a telemarketer and driving a taxi just barely getting by. A friend of a friend suggested I try acting. I was like 'Why? What am I going to do? Community theater?' But I took a class and the teacher thought that I had potential so I moved to Vancouver and started auditioning.

I will never say never but I will say never to doing the more typical romantic comedies. You know unless I'm getting audited and I'm on the street and I desperately need some dough and that's the only thing that I'm getting.

Mandatory auditor rotation is designed to address a potential conflict of interest between a public company and its auditor. Because an auditor is hired and paid by the public company it audits the auditor's desire to maintain a good relationship with its client could conflict with its duty to rigorously question the client's financial statements.