Search For attitudes In Quotes 43

Our environment the world in which we live and work is a mirror of our attitudes and expectations.

The women's movement completely changed attitudes all over the world in ways we'll never be able to count.

Individuals need to be willing to face truth about their attitudes behaviors even what we want out of life.

I intend to travel to Okinawa and to visit with Okinawa officials and the citizens of Okinawa at an early date. I will send my best analysis of that situation including the local attitudes back to Washington to the government there.

A creative element is surely present in all great systems and it does not seem possible that all sympathy or fundamental attitudes of will can be entirely eliminated from any human philosophy.

Sports broadcasting is very open now. In the beginning you did encounter more traditional attitudes and get comments. But I'm talking about 12 years ago.

The Holocaust also shows us how a combination of events and attitudes can erode a society's democratic values.

I know what the attitudes of the readers are: These are guys who love women and respect women.

There was a whole language that I could never make function for myself in relationship to painting and that was attitudes like tortured struggle pain.

I don't personally try to balance my work because I operate under the assumption that anyone reading or watching my stuff isn't having a particularly balanced day anyway. But negative attitudes just amuse me more than positive ones.