Search For atmosphere In Quotes 36

Expectancy is the atmosphere for miracles.

My mind rebels at stagnation. Give me problems give me work give me the most abstruse cryptogram or the most intricate analysis and I am in my own proper atmosphere. But I abhor the dull routine of existence. I crave for mental exaltation.

I didn't want to set up a women's studies program. I thought women should learn to operate in a coeducational atmosphere because especially in national security and international affairs it's male-dominated.

Not that I regret saying what I believed to be the truth but I regret anything that I might have written or spoken that could have been used in a way to help to foster that atmosphere out of which came the loss of life of Brother Malcolm.

I love actors both my parents were actors and the work with actors is the most enjoyable part of making a film. It's important that they feel protected and are confident they won't be betrayed. When you create that atmosphere of trust it's in the bag - the actors will do everything to satisfy you.

Tennis is a perfect combination of violent action taking place in an atmosphere of total tranquillity.

The science is clear that there is an increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. What is not clear from the science is how much of that increase is caused by human activity and what also is not clear is what impact those increases have on the climatic cycle.

We're looking at Earth science observing our planet. Also space science looking at the ozone in the atmosphere around our Earth. Also looking at life science. And on a human level using ourselves as test subjects.

I was raised in an atmosphere of 'everything's fine.' But as I got older I was like 'Well no everything's not fine. There is stuff that's sad.' I am a really sensitive person. I think I am too sensitive sometimes.

In Romanticism the main determinant is the mood the atmosphere. And in that regard you could also describe Schubert as a Romantic.

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I have the greatest sympathy with the growth of the socialist party. I think they understand the evils that surround us and hammer them into people's minds better than we Liberals.