Search For assault In Quotes 14

There's an assault on human sexuality as Judge Scalia said they've taken sides in the culture war and on top of that if we have a democracy the democratic processes should be that we can elect representatives who will share our point of view and vote those things into law.

Guerrilla wars and even more so terrorist assaults are conducted only by forces with insufficient strength to carry out a real war.

Since Hiroshima and the Holocaust science no longer holds its pristine place as the highest moral authority. Instead that role is taken by human rights. It follows that any assault on Jewish life - on Jews or Judaism or the Jewish state - must be cast in the language of human rights.

Concentration of executive power unless it's very temporary and for specific circumstances let's say fighting world war two it's an assault on democracy.

The Arabs could have peace tomorrow if sufficient numbers of Palestinians were not content to be used as cannon fodder in fruitless assaults on Israel even as the surrounding Arab powers distract the Arab masses with the red herring of Israel while retarding their countries with their repression and corruption.

All movies assault the viewer in one way or another.

You don't lead by hitting people over the head - that's assault not leadership.

Government health care changes the relationship between the citizen and the state and in fact I think it's an assault on citizenship.

Decades ago women suffered through horrifying back-alley abortions. Or they used dangerous methods when they had no other recourse. So when the Republican Party launched an all-out assault on women's health pushing bills to limit access to vital services we had to ask: Why is the GOP trying to send women back... to the back alley?

The perennial conviction that those who work hard and play by the rules will be rewarded with a more comfortable present and a stronger future for their children faces assault from just about every direction. That great enemy of democratic capitalism economic inequality is real and growing.