Search For approaches In Quotes 15

Man approaches the unattainable truth through a succession of errors.

Today the technology is there to give early and normally ample warning when a powerful tornado approaches. When a tornado strikes all of us are at risk.

I get curious about new things. My real strength is going into a field that has not been investigated before and finding new approaches to it.

Most of the approaches to peace between Israel and the Palestinians have been directed at trying to resolve the most complex problems like refugees and Jerusalem which is akin to building the pyramid from the top down.

Nature is a temple in which living columns sometimes emit confused words. Man approaches it through forests of symbols which observe him with familiar glances.

Boone Pickens should be commended for his leadership on American energy security and for bringing Ted Turner along on some sensible approaches to enhancing it.

Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force you are inevitably ruined.

Today hundreds of millions dwell in freedom from the Baltic to the Adriatic from the Western Approaches to the Aegean. And while we must never take this for granted the first purpose of the European Union - to secure peace - has been achieved and we should pay tribute to all those in the EU alongside Nato who made that happen.

What Churchill described as the twin marauders of war and tyranny have been almost entirely banished from our continent. Today hundreds of millions dwell in freedom from the Baltic to the Adriatic from the Western Approaches to the Aegean.

As soon as the fear approaches near attack and destroy it.

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My advice to women in general: Even if you're doing a nine-to-five job treat yourself like a boss. Not arrogant but be sure of what you want - and don't allow people to run anything for you without your knowledge.