Search For apartment In Quotes 30

I used to know Jennifer Love Hewitt. We lived in the same apartment building when I was about... jeez I guess it was when I was doing 'Christmas Vacation' so I was about 13 or 14.

We need to steer clear of this poverty of ambition where people want to drive fancy cars and wear nice clothes and live in nice apartments but don't want to work hard to accomplish these things. Everyone should try to realize their full potential.

Every hotel room every apartment we rent I am sage-ing. And I have crystals that I travel with. It just makes me feel better.

When I had money in the past I would always travel rather than spend it on big apartments or cars. And I still feel exactly the same way.

I started studying music at the age of five and a half. My older sister was taking piano lessons. When her teacher left our apartment I would get up on the piano bench and start picking out the notes that were part of my sister's lessons.

Put paying your dues and all that puts so much into being a success. You have an understanding of what it's about being on your own for three or four years and living day to day on $3 or living in an apartment with no electricity.

I like to walk around my apartment naked. I like sitting around in the nude watching sports actually.

The inner spaces that a good story lets us enter are the old apartments of religion.

My roommate got a pet elephant. Then it got lost. It's in the apartment somewhere.

I'm not suggesting people abandon musical instruments and start playing their cars and apartments but I do think the reign of music as a commodity made only by professionals might be winding down.

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It was a fantastic learning experience and OK I got slammed because I wasn't Audrey Hepburn but you could have predicted that really if you'd opened your eyes wide enough.