Search For angel In Quotes 151

We are each of us angels with only one wing and we can only fly by embracing one another.

A strangely reflective even melancholy day. Is that because unlike our cousins in the northern hemisphere Easter is not associated with the energy and vitality of spring but with the more subdued spirit of autumn?

I don't think I am evangelical in my work.

I never expected to get the Tom Jones treatment and it amazes me that I do. Strangely it's women who throw their underwear at me when I'm performing live. My male fans tend to be quite shy. My female fans are wild. I never know what to do with all the lingerie that lands at my feet. Maybe I should open a shop.

Of all liars the most arrogant are biographers: those who would have us believe having surveyed a few boxes full of letters diaries bank statements and photographs that they can play at the recording angel and tell the whole truth about another human life.

Trust no friend without faults and love a woman but no angel.

There's no need to travel further. The Los Angeles area is big enough for us.

Spirit of place! It is for this we travel to surprise its subtlety and where it is a strong and dominant angel that place seen once abides entire in the memory with all its own accidents its habits its breath its name.

The time has come for all evangelists to practice full financial disclosure. The world is watching how we walk and how we talk. We must have the highest standards of morality ethics and integrity if we are to continue to have influence.

Yes but I don't think of the Teen Angel as of an age.