Search For altar In Quotes 12

It was a real surprise to me to come across the evidence that Christianity might once have been a danced religion. Certainly some of the early church leaders thought this was great and spoke of what seems to have been circle dancing perhaps around an altar.

There is a heroism in crime as well as in virtue. Vice and infamy have their altars and their religion.

I went to Morocco joined a band called Pegasus ran out of money went to Gibraltar and worked on the docks writing songs about the sun and the morning and the birds.

In olden times sacrifices were made at the altar - a practice which is still continued.

Leadership that exploits and sacrifices young people on the altar of its goals is nothing more than raw demonic power. Genuine leadership is found in ceaseless efforts to foster young people to pave the way forward for them.

The earth is my altar the sky is my dome mind is my garden the heart is my home and I'm always at home - yea I'm always at Om.

For there is no defense for a man who in the excess of his wealth has kicked the great altar of Justice out of sight.

I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.

The State is the altar of political freedom and like the religious altar it is maintained for the purpose of human sacrifice.

I am a lover of truth a worshipper of freedom a celebrant at the altar of language and purity and tolerance.

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It was morning through the high window I saw the pure bright blue of the sky as it hovered cheerfully over the long roofs of the neighboring houses. It too seemed full of joy as if it had special plans and had put on its finest clothes for the occasion.