Search For alliance In Quotes 27

To avoid entangling alliances has been a maxim of our policy ever since the days of Washington and its wisdom no one will attempt to dispute.

Ten years ago U.S. defence investment represented almost half of all defence expenditure in the whole alliance. Today it is 75%. This increasing economic gap may also lead to an increasing technology gap which will almost hamper the inter-operability between our forces.

I think that we had a different view of what the 21st century could be like with much more of a sense from our perspective of trying to have an interdependent world: looking at solving regional conflicts having strength in alliances operating within some kind of a sense that we were part of the international community and not outside of it.

Art and Religion are then two roads by which men escape from circumstance to ecstasy. Between aesthetic and religious rapture there is a family alliance. Art and Religion are means to similar states of mind.

The first and most important is to emphasize the enduring nature of the alliance relationship particularly with Europe which does share our values and interests even if it disagrees with us on specific policies.

It is a power stronger than will. Could a stone escape from the laws of gravity? Impossible. Impossible for evil to form an alliance with good.

An alliance with a powerful person is never safe.

As women have played an increasingly important role in politics there is no question that they've brought a different perspective focusing attention on a broader set of issues and building alliances with other women.

Alliance - in international politics the union of two thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted in each other's pockets that they cannot separately plunder a third.

I know that military alliances and armament have been the reliance for peace for centuries but they do not produce peace and when war comes as it inevitably does under such conditions these armaments and alliances but intensify and broaden the conflict.