Search For airplane In Quotes 32

We've got gays working there. If they can demonstrate long-term relationships we make same-sex benefits available just as we do with common-law marriages. Gays are productive people. Some fly airplanes some work in breweries.

And so whether they came here on the Mayflower on a slave ship or on an airplane from Havana we are all descendants of the men and women who built here the nation that saved the world.

I want to start my own airplane business. I'm going to buy two Dakotas paint them up in war colours and do er nostalgia trips to Arnhem - you know where the old paratroopers used to go - and charge them about 20 quid a time.

I wanted to travel from the beginning. As a kid I used to dream about airplanes before I ever flew in one.

We're constantly buying airplane tickets we travel on the Concorde.

For me modern technology has ruined romance and movies - nobody can run to the airplane gate anymore.

I pick projects according to how fascinating they are to me and it has resulted in a broad reach. My records are actually in five different sports: balloons airplanes airships gliders and sailboats.

As I have tried to show science in producing the airplane and the wireless has created a new international political environment to which governments must adjust their foreign policies.

Airplane travel is nature's way of making you look like your passport photo.

As one gets older it happens that in the morning one fails to remember the airplane trip to be taken in a few hours or the lecture scheduled for the afternoon.